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Day Train:

Need a specific issue worked on? Leave your dog with one of our trainers for the day while you work.

Private Session:

An intimate lesson with one of our trainers with you and your dog where we go over specific details of your lifestyle so your dog can better adapt.

Shadow Program:

A fun and eye opening experience with you and your dog where you spend the several days with one of our trainers to help you and your dog build confidence in your relationship.

Enrichment Program:

An immersive experience detailed to you and your dog’s individual needs. We can give you a more in depth look at severe behavior problems in the home or out in public. However, this can also include hiking adventures, trips to dog friendly places, getting your dog ready for family vacations, etc. 

Click here to contact us to schedule your custom experience!

    • icon-locationServicing Southern California & Beyond…
    • icon-mailinfo@humblek9.com